Our Religious Family of the Incarnate Word was founded by Father Carlos Miguel Buela in the 1980s. It consists of two religious branches: the Institute of the Incarnate Word (a male branch founded in 1984) and the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará (a female branch founded in 1988). We are approximately 2000 members (including those in perpetual vows and in formation) and by God’s grace, we are present in more than 35 countries worldwide. Both branches have members who live apostolic and contemplative lives.
The Third Secular Order is composed of lay members who wish to participate in our mission and live our spirituality in the world during their daily lives.
Following the teachings of Saint John Paul II, whom we consider our Spiritual Father, we are dedicated to the “Evangelization of culture”. This means we commit all our strength to inculturate the Gospel, that is, to extend the Incarnation in “every person, in the whole person, and in all manifestations of humanity” (Cf. Paul VI, Ecclesiam Suam, nº 23-24).
Father Buela discovered the Spiritual Exercises in his youth, which led to his vocation and he continued to use this great tool of spiritual life to help many others find God in their lives. This site undoubtedly would not exist without his encouragement and support, which was reflected in the two sets of Exercises available here for those who wish to benefit from them.
“In its spiritual dimension, the Institute will have to face the evangelization of culture through the sanctification of individual persons. This will be done preferably through the preaching of Spiritual Exercises according to the method and spirit of St. Ignatius of Loyola, and also through spiritual direction.” (Constitutions of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, n. 175)
The Spiritual Exercises are a fundamental tool for the spiritual life of many people, and the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word is no exception. These exercises were developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola in the 16th century as a method to deepen faith and discern the will of God. The Spiritual Exercises are a powerful tool to find inner peace, strengthen faith, and discern God’s will in our lives. Therefore, the Religious Family of the Incarnate Word promotes the Spiritual Exercises as an important practice for spiritual life and personal growth.