Ignatian Spiritual Exercises Online



Holy week Spiritual Exercises

We would like to offer you the opportunity to participate in the online spiritual exercises, in order to have a more profound experience of Holy Week this year. This retreat is available in both a 3-day and a 5-day format and does require dedicating a significant part of your day to prayer. The 5-day exercises is from Wednesday, April 5th, until Sunday morning, April 9th, and the 3-day exercises is from Thursday evening, April 6th, untilย Sundayย morning.

Embark on a journey to spiritual freedom,
true happiness, and salvation.

Register for free and begin Guided

Ignatian Spiritual Exercises online.


st ignatius of loyola

Years Ago...

Saint Ignatius Loyola developed the Spiritual Exercises. Since then, this silent retreat has transformed and aided countless individuals through the confines of prayer, meditation, and a clear plan for bringing order to life, according to God’s divine plan for your life. Over the centuries Popes, Saints, and everyday individuals have recommended Ignatius’ Exercises. Now, the Online Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola provide the flexibility needed for those who have objections because of time, location, or any other obstacle.

The Spiritual Exercises
are for you if:

works of mercy

You love God &
want to live out his will

You have great desires for heaven and to serve God with your life: taking your God-given talents and resources and using them for the promulgation of the Gospel and the salvation of your soul. You're ready for closer intimacy with God.

youth and IVE

Externally things are great,
but something is missing

All is well: prayer life, family and social life, career or studies, exciting opportunities โ€“ but the idea that something is missing is constantly occupying your moments of solitude and silence. Is there something else?


Your life lacks purpose & you feel Like you're Wasting it

Things are not lining up in your life. It seems as if you missed a key point in your life and now you're stuck. You're trying to get the "basics" squared away but fear of making a mistake keeps you from making any big moves.


I'm frustrated with life &
I'm in need of help

Nothing in life seems to have meaning and I am questioning what the point of anything is. Family, friends, and colleagues have opposing suggestions for solutions and I don't know what to do. My faith is lacking.

In Person Spiritual Exercises around the world

Begin The Journey To Self-Mastery.

1. Select Your SE Program

Register for free & choose the Spiritual Exercises program that fits your life. The will to conquer self is all that is needed to start!

2. Do The SE & Get guidance

Go through the Spiritual Exercises & get guidance along the way from a Priest who is experienced in the spiritual life.

3. clear Direction
to Conquer life

Implement your own plan using the principles laid out by Saint Ignatius in the Exercises for clarity to conquer this life and to gain eternal life with Christ Jesus.

Peace is Tranquility
of Order.

When the wills of various hearts agree together in consenting to the same thing there is concord. Concord denotes union of appetites among variousย persons, while peace denotes,
in addition to this union, the union of the appetites even in oneย man.

| St. Thomas Aquinas

What You'll Gain

Order & Tranquility
Bring the order of God to your life and begin to enjoy the peace that living the way you were designed brings.
Purpose of Life
No more wasted efforts.
Find purpose in life, discover how to pursue it and be faithful to it.
Confident Decision Making
Learn how to make decisions based on real, natural & supernatural principles for cohesiveness of life.
Friendship With God
You are called to be a child of God, to rejoice in His friendship. Save your soul and obtain eternal life with Christ.
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What People Say About
the Spiritual Exercises.

Ben B.
Ben B.23 | Baltimore, MD
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The SE's are a must have on every Catholicโ€™s todo list. I truly learned how to reorder the things in my life so that I can better aim my actions, intentions and operations to be directed towards our Lordโ€™s divine glory. I learned how to detach myself from things I know I should not be attached to (even things that were good), as well as filling that detachment with something better, such as prayer... as clicheฬ as it sounds, they changed my life!
Rosemary A.
Rosemary A.Bay Area, CA
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The Spiritual Exercises provide me the time, direction, and silence to genuinely listen to God, absorb His love, and stay on the right path--which is sometimes a fantastic turn in the road I had not seen! The time spent benefits me so fundamentally: the impact extends to all other aspects of my life.
George B.
George B.Bay Area, CA
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The spiritual exercises affected me profoundly. I came away from the week grateful for the attentive and benevolent guidance I had received, and newly aware that I have spiritual work to accomplish that will occupy me for the rest of my life. I learned through the exercises that this is no reason to despair. Ignatius understands my weaknesses so well that he has illuminated a practice that helps me every day.
NickMaryland, USA
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The spiritual exercises are a wonderful source of spiritual renewal and mental refreshment for me. Taking time out for this unique silent retreat on an annual basis has brought me much closer to our Lord and has helped me to understand better what He wants me to do with my life. During difficult times my exercise experiences have provided me with comforting assurance and have kept my soul restful in Him. Through the fruits of these exercises, I have come to experience deep in my heart, Jesusโ€™s love for me.
Maria G.
Maria G.Bay Area, CA
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Life changing! The Divine Physician used this retreat to heal wounds in my life that I could not access! In addition, God used the spiritual exercises to help me identify roots of sin in my life and began to open my eyes to the lens of Divine Love. Although a beginner to the exercises I was not undernourished. The amazing IVE priests devotedly walked with us on this pivotal spiritual journey providing ongoing guidance through the exercises and spiritual direction.
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The Spiritual Exercises have shaped my prayer life and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to grow deeper with Him during those days. Through the silence, guided mediations and reflections, and contemplation of Christโ€™s life, I was able to see Godโ€™s love and providence in my life and understand myself(and even my sins!) in a new light. To this day, after participating in three of these retreats, I can say that Christ used the Spiritual Exercises to deepen my relationship with Him and enter into a deeper, intimate prayer life unlike any other retreat.
Greg R.
Greg R.Bay Area, CA
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As of several years ago I began attending St Ignatiusโ€™s Spiritual Exercises Each year with the IVE Priests and Sisters running them. I have to say it has greatly enhanced my life in Christ, and the Catholic Church, and my witness in daily life! Although it is silent, it is literally non-stop conversations with God Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and Mary. The sacraments, spiritual direction, and what I call an alignment and tune-up of life is what keeps me coming back each year. Besides JPII recommends it also!
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Engaging in the Spiritual Exercises prompted me to think deeper about my life: where I have slipped and fallen, what I can be proud of and what still needs to be improved. It helped me learn more about my faith, the teachings of the church and to put in perspective what is really important in this life on earth. Jesus never promised to anyone that the road to heaven would be easy. The Spiritual Exercises are an opportunity I use to learn about and strengthen my faith and to pray to our Merciful Father to help me as I struggle along.
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Iโ€™ve made the Spiritual Exercises two times. After the first time, I learned how to order my life and to detach from some things that did not lead me towards God. That made my relationships with God and others better. When my life is more pleasing to God, I can more fully experience love, happiness and peace. Since life is so busy, and I can get off track, itโ€™s good to revisit the exercises. I highly recommend them.
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A life changing encounter. It is hard to put words into what occurred that weekend. Through the exercises, I allowed the Lord to break down those hidden barriers that were hindering a deeper relationship and communion with Him. My โ€œyesโ€œ to earnestly engage in the Ignatian Exercises produced an unfathomable fruit in my soul. However, I would say that I now relate and identify more with my identity as a child of God. And that I have a Mother in heaven who wants the best for me, to know Her Son.
Michelle L.
Michelle L.Bay Area, CA
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These exercises were a Life Transforming change in my Married Life, as I could clearly distinguish the areas where my husband and I would need to work together. The Lord spoke to me in the silence of my heart and revealed to me, that we had been struggling due to the Physical and Spiritual wounds of the Past. The graces and blessings received are truly priceless and I would say this has been my best Spiritual Encounter by far.

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